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Welcome to Workability, where our mission is to assist patients in returning to work and reclaiming their lives. In this video, Carmen and Londiwe introduce who we are, what we stand for, and how we can help you access a new group of patients to grow your business. Through testimonials from our network therapists and past patients, we provide compelling evidence to support our claims. Our innovative approach tackles old problems in fresh ways, and we invite you to join us on a journey to see if you'd like to be part of our network. Get ready to be inspired as we help you make a difference in the lives of patients.




Who is Workability?

Workability is a market-leading healthcare company that specialises in delivering value-based rehabilitation programs that reduce health seeking behaviour & medical costs for various medical payers.

We use innovative technology, people and evidence-based clinical protocols to streamline the process of getting people back to work and life and we have the data and track-record to support this.

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What is our 'Why'?

Workability's massive transformative purpose is to give all South Africans access to value-based rehabilitation programs that streamline the process of getting back to work and back to life.
Let us break that down a little further.

Access to all South Africans means that we would like to make rehabilitation affordable and within reach of everyone, whether in an urban or rural setting. That is where our network of excellent therapists across South Africa comes in.

Value-based rehabilitation means that we want the treatment to be centred around the patient's needs and outcomes whilst at the same time providing the funders with the data that proves value and cost effectiveness. It is a win-win for funders, therapists and most importantly, patients.

A streamlined process makes it easier for every stakeholder. From various stakeholders receiving reports, to therapists having online software that guides and captures the rehabilitation process and administrative guidelines that ensure payment is swift and accurate, and to the business owner who now has a modern framework to grow the business, everyone benefits.

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1. Offering programs instead of fee for service treatments

Introducing Workability's Back and Neck Assistance Program, BNAP, which addresses the common struggle of back and neck pain faced by half the population. The program aims to provide valuable care to individuals dealing with persistent and disabling pain, significantly impacting their daily lives. 

BNAP stands out for being patient-centered, led by physiotherapists with support from an interdisciplinary team including doctors and occupational therapists.
It follows a biopsychosocial model, focusing on rehabilitation, education, and goal setting. Patients are stratified based on their risk of chronicity, and care is tailored accordingly and objective measures are taken to demonstrate effectiveness.

The program is paid for by medical aids as the outcomes have been proven to reduce long-term disability costs.

Ultimately, BNAP's goal is to empower patients with knowledge and skills to manage their pain independently, enabling them to return to work and life, alleviating the burden of disability. Workability offers streamlined solutions for a successful return to work and life.


     Benefits of BNAP

  • Affordability: Paid from the medical aid risk portion, not patient savings so that patients don't run out of finances for their rehabilitation.

  • Quality Care: Therapists have ample sessions available within the program, allowing them to deliver comprehensive and high-quality care to patients.

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: BNAP is a physio-led program that emphasizes interdisciplinary care. Physiotherapists work alongside general practitioners (GPs) and occupational therapists (OTs).

  • Enhanced Payment: B-NAP offers a higher payment structure compared to the traditional fee-for-service model. This encourages therapists to participate in the program and provide dedicated support to patients, promoting better outcomes and satisfaction.

    By highlighting these benefits, B-NAP stands out as an accessible, comprehensive, and collaborative program that prioritizes patient well-being and ensures optimal rehabilitation outcomes.




2. Online business administration and case management system

Benefits of the RehabHub Case Management System
  • Accountability: Objective measurement of outcomes provides tangible proof of program effectiveness in improving pain levels and functionality. Workability's RehabHub system ensures transparency and accountability in the healthcare industry, benefiting funders, therapists and patients.

  • Data Privacy: The RehabHub platform safeguards data, prioritizing security and confidentiality. Workability's support allows therapists to focus on clinical work with confidence.

  • Guidance: The RehabHub system offers guidance and accountability, strengthening practice and enhancing care quality.

  • Financial Reporting and Business Intelligence: Financial reports aid in tracking performance and making informed business decisions.

    Workability's RehabHub streamlines processes, supports therapists, and contributes to practice success and profitability.




3. Delivering excellence to patients, medical aids and our network practices

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This is achieved by sharing value and responsibility with our network practices. We have a very clear picture of what excellence looks like and expect our network to meet this standard. The following avatar is a picture of the values of our ideal network practice. We achieve excellence by living up to these values and helping our network deliver on them too.






Quality assurance process to gain access to BNAP

  • Complete online training

  • A practice accreditation process to ensure quality - all requirements met and a values match

  • Standard operating procedures

Quality assurance after gaining access

  • RehabHub online software to guide all quality

  • Excellent administrative support

  • Providing regular learning opportunities for all stakeholders

  • Provide access to quality patient education material

  • Provide access to a support network of like-minded therapists

  • Business support so you can focus on your patients


Workability's well-organized systems and comprehensive services prioritize patient-centric care, enabling therapists to focus on their patients while case managers and the team handle administrative tasks. The seamless coordination with medical aids allows for smoother processes, benefiting everyone involved. The continuous training and access to up-to-date research resources further enhance the therapists' capabilities. The network's standard operating procedures, quality assurance, and advanced IT system ensure top-notch service delivery while maintaining a sense of pride in being part of the Workability network.





This unique way of delivering value-based care will not only satisfy your big WHY for being a therapist of providing quality care but it also has positive financial outcomes.

  • Financial stability through income diversification

  • Increased revenue opportunity by opening up access to chronic patients with risk benefits




Patient testimonials of how our programs have changed their lives.





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* Take note: This program is only open to physiotherapists. 

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